My job is to inspire. I would also say that my job is to run around in circles as fast as possible, but that can also fit the description of circus clowns, or three stooges’ impersonators. I think it’s better to say inspire, as it pretty much sums it all up. My job is to inspire and serve you, not the other way around. My job is to chase unimaginable, but attainable dreams; dreams only derived by God. The gift to achieve these unimaginable dreams were given by God. The opportunity to be in the right place at the right time, with the right people was orchestrated by God. For me to say otherwise would be for me to completely miss the purpose of my job.
My job is to inspire and serve you. In this process of chasing a dream, I can share my story, not in ways to highlight myself, but in a way to give a live example that you can charge your own mountain top. I am an example that can hopefully be applicable to many, because how good is inspiration if nobody can feel it. If I share my story about how I overcame obstacles to reach this pinnacle of success and the audience never relates in some form, then I am simply telling you why you should praise me, and that is not my job. I do not share me, because after all, who am I to where I need to be shared. No, I share my path, one directed by God. If you have been following this path of mine, you would agree that it isn’t one of success, but instead, one of hard struggles and constant failing, followed by more struggles and failures, with plenty of lessons to top it off. How is that inspirational? Everyone can relate. Everyone knows failure. For those who say that they conquered their mountain and reached the pinnacle of success, and now everything is sparkly and glamorous with no more struggle, are not only fooling you, but fooling themselves. Perhaps, they aren’t fooling you, but at the very least, entertaining you. Unfortunately, we have plenty of entertainment to go around, so why add to it. Through my failures, because there are plenty, hopefully someone can be inspired to push for their dreams and goals, having recognized that life is lived through failures. I will reconstruct my wording because failure means that there is an end. There is never an end to a journey that is constant and is continuously being written. As such, I will continue to live my purpose of sharing my life with anyone who will listen, with anyone who can relate. Life is 10% reaping the reward, and 90% of struggling and sowing through hardships to receive that reward. That pain is a bit more bearable if we can turn to our neighbor and see that we are not alone in this battle. I share my pain and journey to give you comfort to know that you are not alone. Life is hard enough without having to climb over each other to reach the top. If I begin to go back to thinking about this "blue check" life, I hope someone can snap me into place and remind me that my job is not to serve myself. The greatest being to walk this world, lived a life through pure love, serving anyone that came around and believed. That example led others, generations later to follow that lead. That brought to life the most incredible feeling ever to have filled our mind; hope. I pray my love through serving you creates hope to keep you going, wherever your journey takes you.
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AuthorJeremy Dodson is a Track & Field Olympian who struggles with the idea of perfection, hoping to break the barrier we place on ourselves so that genuine living can take place for everyone. Archives
June 2024